Festival AETYB Madrid 2018 - ITEA Super Regional


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FESTIVAL AETYB Madrid 2018- Super Regional Conference of the International Tuba and Euphonium Association (ITEA).

20th to 25th July.

The great majority of renowned Spanish Tuba and Euphonium artists and some of the best international artists will participate in the Festival, with the magnificent help provided by the Royal Conservatory of Music of Madrid. 

Vente pa Madrid!


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Concerts, Master Classes, Conferences, Exhibitions, Competitions, Workshops, Children's Activities, Performances, etc.




Festival AETYB Madrid 2018 Cuadro de Actividades3




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Øystein Baadsvik (Norway), Sergio Rey, Jonathan Vázquez, David López (Colombia), Oscar Abella, Sébastien Perez (France), Angel Torres, Iván Ortega, David Muñoz, Scott Roeder (USA), Vicente Castelló, Chiaki Mawatari (Japan), Jose Vicente Climent, Deanna Swoboda (USA), Pedro Sucías, Andy Smith (USA), Eduardo Nogueroles, Manuel Dávila, Tomás Alemany (Mexico), Harold Hernández (Cuba), Pablo Fernández, David Earll (USA), David Sanz, Olivia Casas, Henrique Costa (Portugal), Sergio Linares, Ismael Cantos, Ken Drobnak (USA), Miguel Moreno, Patricio Cosentino (Argentina), José Redondo, Kevin Wass (ITEA President - USA), José Luís Martín, David Llácer, Vicente Cremades, Walter R. Stormont, Sergio Finca, Chris Vivio (USA), Chris Combest (USA),  Jesús Navas, Avital Handler (Israel), Haim Mazar (Israel), Vicente Pascual, Pedro Castaño, Jonathan Sevilla, Ricardo Carvalhoso, Javier Castaño, Will Druiet, Andreas Hofmeir, etc.




Patrick Wibart (France), Robert Benton (USA), José Luís Bueno, Bente Illevold (Norway), Luís Javier Zenner, Víctor Cardeñosa, Francisco Pavón, Corentin Morvan (France), Luis Miguel Jiménez, Jose Antonio Mira, Vianney Desplantes (France), Juan Francisco Aranega, Vicent Blasco, David Quilez, Jean Daufresne (France), Josep Burguera, Ignacio Fernández, Danielle VanTuinen (USA), Misa Mead (Japan), Mari Carmen Luz, Pablo Dopazo, David Childs (England), Ramón Gómez, Sergio Casas, Drew Bonner (USA), Alberto Pons, Matt Tropman (USA), Brian Bowman (USA), Pablo Martínez del Cerro, Pablo Domínguez, José Luís Sellés, etc.




Ensemble of Tubas and Euphoniums of the RCSMM, Willson International Low Brass Quintet, Ensemble duo, Paul Stocker Trio, Duet Sintagma, Tubafussion Quartet, Bessel Brass, The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley Tuba Euphonium Ensemble, Three Brass, Vega Baja Low Brass, Spanish Tuba Quartet, Moreau|VanTuinen Duo, St. Louis Jazz Band, Ensemble AETYB, Opus 333, Zyryab Euphonium Quartet, RCA, QuarTubass, FivE Quartet, And the Brass,  Israel Tuba Dúo (Israel), Aula de Tuba del Conservatorio Teresa Berganza, etc.




Belén Ramiro, Brass School, Miguel Galdón, Sara Magán, Jordi Albert, Ximo Soler, Luís Vidal, Pedro Martín, etc.




Buffet Group (B&S, Melton, Besson), Miraphone, Adams, Willson, Consolat de Mar, Wessex, Cerveny, Gara, Alexander, Protec, Aitana Músic, Sanganxa, Branfor, Metall i Fusta, Low Brass Store, Viento y Música, Erviti, La Musa, Todonotas, Conn, etc.


OTHER COLLABORATORS: Tot Per l'Aire, Opera Prima, Spanish Brass, Grupo Quilez, Caja Rural Villar, Banda Municipal Alicante, Stomvi, Concurso Nacional de Tuba Ciudad de La Vila Joiosa, Música Maestro, Brass Herald, Real Conservatorio Superior de Música de Madrid, Instituto Nacional de Artes Escénicas y Música INAEM, Comunidad de Madrid, Asociación de Intérpretes y Ejecutantes AIE, Ayuntamiento de Madrid, Banda Sinfónica Municipal de Madrid, International Tuba and Euphonium Association ITEA, Confederacion Española de Sociedades Musicales, El Creata, Sala Nubel del Museo Reina Sofía, Banda de Villarejo de Salvanes, Banda de la Federacion Regional de la Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid, etc. 


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As part of the activities of the FESTIVAL AETYB MADRID 2018 - SUPER REGIONAL ITEA, the AETYB 2018 COMPETITION has been held, divided into five categories, according to the instrument and the age of the applicants, and numerous prizes distributed among the winners of each category.

To form the juries of the Contest, we have counted on the most prestigious tubas and euphoniums of our country, as well as with famous international artists.




To see the list of the members of the different JURIES for the Competition CLICK HERE


To learn about the rehearsals with the pianists for the first round CLICK HERE (not yet available)




Euphonium Artists

1º Premio - Fluixà Sepulveda, Carlos

2º Premio - Chorques Conca, Pablo

3º Premio - Morell Canet, Andreu


Euphonium Young Artists

1º Premio - Gisbert Vañó, Eduard

2º Premio - París de Benito, Silvia

3º Premio - Martínez del Cerro, Pablo


Euphonium Young Promises

1º Premio - Ponce Navarro, Marcos

2º Premio - Sáenz de Ormijana Padilla, Imanol

3º Premio - Fernández Santos, Óscar


Tuba Artists

1º Premio - Soriano Sánchez, David

2º Premio – Pérez, Sebastien

3º Premio - Ocaña Moraga, Ángel Antonio


Tuba Young Artists

1º Premio - Osca Martín, Miguel

2º Premio - Monleón Rubio, Javier

3º Premio - Martí Soliveres, Antonio


Tuba Young Promises

1º Premio - Hernández Imbernón, Samuel


madrid 5







How to get at the Real Superior Conservatory of Music of Madrid


 conservatorio Madrid foto



 Collaborators and Sponsors of the AETYB Festival Madrid 2018 - Super Regional ITEA

The AETYB Festival would be imposible to organize without the participation of the brands that make the instruments, the distributors, the music stores and the publishers.

On 23rd, 24th and 25th July our collaborators will be exhibiting their instruments, accessories and scores at the Festival, so that we can visit them and see the latest news from the sector.



logo conservatorio superior Madridlogo ITEAlogo asociacion tubas y bombardinos borde gruesologo ciudad de madridlogo AIElogo Confederacion Espanola de Sociedades Musicaleslogo Comunidad de Madrid.svglogo Federacion Regional Sociedades Musicales Madridlogo INAEMlogo besson 2018logo Miraphonelogo Meltonlogo sanganxa adamslogo aitana willsonlogo Buffet 2018logo consolatlogo Wessexlogo BS 2018logo erviti Alexanderlogo erviti genevalogo erviti Garalogo CONNlogo sanganxalogo aitanalogo GEWA WINDSlogo metall i fustalogo Viento y Musicalogo Todonotaslogo spanish brasslogo la musa instrumetoslogo erviti Proteclogo tot per lairelogo low brass storelogo musica maestrologo bagslogo opera primalogo branforlogo the brass herald logo stomvilogo bag luthierslogo grupo quilezlogo caja rural de villarlogo La Vila Joiosalogo el Creatalogo sala nubellogo Soluciones Informaticaslogo banda municipal de madridlogo banda pozuelologo Banda de Villarejo de Salvaneslogo banda municipal de alicante


David Trastoy
Francisco Camilo Tomas
Alberto Perez
Alvaro Lopez
Adrian Garcia
Alfonso Llorente
Alvaro Cortinas
Jesus Salazar
Javier Boluda
David Catala
Arturo Sanchez
Fernando Mendez
Jesus Dieguez
David Soriano
Agustin Saez
Chiaki Mawatari
Joan Buigues
Ivan Ortega
Joaquin Francisco Diaz
Alfonso Villaplana
Enrique Costa
Angel Torres
Francisco Javier Escrich
Andreu Morell
Harold Hernandez.
Antonio Delgado
Guillermo Báez
Andrea Chorro
Eduardo Nogueroles
Aarón Ezzitouni
Enrique March
Ignacio Casaubón
David Parras
Francisco Javier Molina
Daniel Gonzalez
Joaquin Cardona
Jesus de la Rosa
David Muñoz
Eduardo Diz
Antonio Rodríguez
Carmelo Gil
Dani Llosà
Elohim Porras
Jacobo Moya
Agustin Jimenez
Alberto Muñoz
Amauir Gonzalez
Eduardo Ruano
Hugo Talens
Antonio González
Felipe Galera
Andres Alonso
Diego Lagares
Jesus Navas
Alejandro Hernendez
Francisco Yañez
David Sanz
Joan B. Domènech
Alvaro Cardona
Eros Quesada
Gil Gonçalves
Javier Lalaguna
Carlos Manuel Puche
Alfredo Fresneda
Hugo Portas
Alejandro Marco
Beñat Etxabe
Antonio Herencias
Joan Llorens
Isidro Lopez
David Ruiz
Daniel Cabero
Carlos Diaz
Ibai Pastor
Alvaro Gonzalez
Abdon Morato
Jesus Galvan
David Abellan
Joan Mont
Sergio Garrido
Sergio Casas
Lluis Verde
Rodrigo Ruiz
Justo Miguel Moros
Manuel Dávila
Jose Luis Moradillo
Jorge Lopez
Juan Carlos Ribelles
Jose Luis Martin
Kevin Sanchez
Victor Iglesias
Luis Lorente
Miguel Osca
Oscar Abella
Maximo Davila
Manuel Melchor
Ruben Calviño
Miguel Angel Diaz
Julio San José Martín
Jose Luis Bueno
Juan Ignacio Rodríguez
Maria Esther Pau
José Luis Ramon
Victor Amorín
José Ángel Jiménez
Juan Carlos Vera
Rodrigo Rodriguez
Pablo Chorques
Melanio Esteban
Ruben Durá
Jonathan Vazquez
Vicente López
Marina Boselli
Oriol Reverter
Juan Manuel Cornejo
Jose Antonio Mira
Sonia Bru
Jose Andres Bolufer
Vicente Cremades
Juan López
Juan José Munera
Luis Manuel Gimeno
Juan Carlos Díaz
Mª Carmen Luz
Sergio Díaz-Hellín
Miguel Moreno
José Manuel López
Maria Sanz
Oscar Santiso
Samuel Hernandez
Josep Burguera
Lidia Rubio
Jordi Peiró
Jose Luis Casas
Toni Chelvi
Jose Javier Bertomeu
Mario Alés
Jorge Estruch
Luis Miguel Jiménez
Sara de Vega
Juan Jose Morales
Pablo Manuel Fernández
Andrés Colomina
Olivia Casas
Sergio Ballester
Vicente Blasco
Luis Orduña
Toni Vilchez
Jose Bueno
Victor Manuel Escribà
Javier Sierra
Sergio Rey
Marc Pere Pascual
Victor Juanis
Tomas Gabriel Alemany
Luis Leandro Hita
Sandra Garcia
Sergio Navarro
María Cuenca
Marcelo Blazquez
Pedro Sucías
Miguel Angel Ramirez


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